Der Fliegende Holländer in der Inszenierung von Christoph Schlingensief, Manaus 2007. Eine Annäherung anhand von Dokumenten, Aufzeichnungen und Gesprächen mit Mitarbeitern

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Anna-Catharina Gebbers


The following consideration of Christoph Schlingensief’s production of The Flying Dutchman in Manaus, Brazil, in 2007 is based both on the screening of a documentary film of the performance together with film- and text-based supplementary materials as well as on interviews with members of Christoph Schlingensief’s team who were directly involved. On the one hand, there is the fundamental problem of performance analysis, while on the other hand, there are Schlingen-sief’s multifaceted procedures to be taken into account. In my view this approach comes closer to Christoph Schlingensief’s working method than does an attempt at a congruent retelling, which blurs all differences for the sake of a combined consideration. Schlingensief’s stagings were also created with a fragmentation of perspective, made possible often by a very precise script, the various production ele-ments, and site-specific features used on a par with the action.

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Author Biography

Anna-Catharina Gebbers

Anna-Catharina Gebbers ist Publizistin und Ausstellungsmacherin und lehrt an der UDK Berlin, an der Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle und am fimt. Einer ihrer Schwerpunkte ist das Werk von Christoph Schlingensief. (Stand 2012)