Heiner Goebbels, die DJs und das Sampling. Überlegungen zu Geschichte und Methode Künstlerischen Forschens im zeitgenössischen Musiktheater

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Elisabeth van Treeck


The article is devoted to Heiner Goebbels' method of artistic research, which the composer describes as "sampling as attitude", emphasizing the experimentation with material found in the collective and referring to the techniques and technologies of DJ culture. After a historical survey of sampling as the heir of collage-technique, the article discusses Goebbels' method in comparison to the work of the disc jockeys, taking into account aspects of authorship and self-referentiality. An analysis of Stifters Dinge asks how Goebbels' sampling method, with the transition to the realm of the scene, picks up and possibly overcomes the historical technique of collage and sampler technology.

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Author Biography

Elisabeth van Treeck

Elisabeth van Treeck promoviert über das Musiktheater der Komponistin Olga Neuwirth im Promotionsprogramm „Musik und Performance“ der Universität Bayreuth. Sie ist tätig als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Theaterwissenschaft der Ruhr-Universität Bochum. (Stand 2018)

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